Reloading your own ammunition can be a great way to save money, customize rounds to your specifications, and customize your experience at the range. However, paying attention to safety when developing your ammunition is also essential.

Understanding the Basics of Reloading

Before getting started with the reloading process, it is crucial to understand the basics of how the process works. Reloading is the process of dismantling a spent shell casing and replacing the components with new primers, powder, and bullets. This can be done with the help of a specialized reloading press and other reloading supplies.

Choosing the Right Equipment

When selecting the reloading equipment you will use, it is important to choose high-quality equipment designed specifically for reloading and manufactured to safety standards.

It is also best to start with the basics – a simple reloading press, the correct reloading dies, and other supplies. Remember to pay attention to the maximum load capacity of any reloading press you are considering, and ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.

Understand the Risks of Reloading

One of the most important things to remember when reloading is that there are risks associated with the process. Improper use of reloading equipment or components such as primers, powder, bullets, and shell cases can cause serious injury or death. Therefore, caution, patience, and understanding the basic principles of reloading and firearms safety are critical.

Follow Reloading Guidelines and the Local Laws

Familiarizing yourself with all local legal requirements concerning reloading ammunition is essential. In addition, it is important to understand and follow the manufacturer’s reloading guidelines and instructions. This is essential to ensure that your reloaded ammunition is as safe as possible and is within the recommended specifications.

Practice Good Hygiene and Safety Habits

One of the most important elements of reloading safely is practicing good hygiene and safety habits, such as always wearing safety glasses and not smoking or drinking. Additionally, it is essential to take proper care of and clean reloading supplies, equipment, and components after each session.

Keep an Accurate and Detailed Reloading Log

In addition to practicing good hygiene and safety habits, it is crucial to keep an accurate and detailed reloading log. While this may seem like a tedious task, the reloading log is essential in ensuring that each round of ammunition is consistently produced to the exact specifications. This is critical to maintaining safety and can prove invaluable down the line.

Store Reloading Supplies and Ammo Separately

Finally, you should store reloading supplies and ammunition in separate locations. Keeping them apart eliminates the risk of accidentally mixing components, which can have serious consequences.


Reloading your own ammunition can be a great way to customize your experience in the range and save money. However, it is vital to be aware of the safety risks and to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and local laws. By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable reloading experience.

Turn to RedEye Reloading for high-quality reloading supplies in Myrtle Beach. We offer different supplies you might need when reloading your ammunition. Get in touch with us to learn more about our products.